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Lesarion trusted authentication

Lesarion is presently the largest community for lesbians in Germany, with lots of friendly female users. We're aware that due to it's present size and popularity, lesarion is a much loved contact point for many users. Unfortunately, this also means that we attract some people who don't treat others with a great deal of respect.

'Lesarion trusted' enables us to better protect you from fake users, who falsify their identities. In the past we have noticed that men have sometimes registered, pretending to be women, and that users sometimes create a second or third profile to spy on other users or abuse them. In some cases, this even resulted in stalking.

The lesarion team itself has also been the victim of such fake users in the past. Some have made a kind of sport out of creating up to 50 new profiles and holding specific forum discussions which aim to bring our community into disrepute.

'Lesarion trusted' helps us to identify fake users and take action against them.

'Lesarion trusted' can be used in different ways. You can authenticate yourself via mobile phone, your bank account or paypal.
This will ensure that the registered users are real people.

Via mobile phone:

We send an activation code to the phone number you provide. Your profile is only activated after you enter this code on our website.

Via your bank account:

Activation works similarly with a bank transfer. You enter your bank account details and we make a transfer into the account. The activation code is provided in the reason for the payment line. Your profile is activated after you enter this code on our website.

By paypal:

This will be activated as soon as payment of at least 1 euro has been received.

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